The Highs of Travelling in Low Season

In January this year, Mitch and I packed our bags and flew to Albania. Why would we do that? Low season: it’s cold, places aren’t open, cities lack atmosphere, and hostels are practically empty. All these things are true. We had days where it was bitterly cold we couldn’t stay outside long, days we were rained in, restaurants closed, places where buses didn’t go to at this time of year, so many hotel/hostel owners saying, “Come back in July! You can see this, this and this.” I would love to go back to all the places in the summer. You know …

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Explore, Discover, Dream: How It All Began.

This blog was primarily about keeping my friends back home up to date, so I never really wrote much about myself as a person and how I got here. However, I have readers who don’t know me, which I still find incredible, so here’s a bit about me.

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Ignorance: It’s Not Bliss And It’s Not Our Fault

I was feeling a bit strange as there is a lot going on at the moment; adjusting to life back home and thinking about the future. It’s safe to say I was feeling a little overwhelmed and not quite with it. I felt like I needed something to cheer me up so I went in Waterstones, because, I love books.

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